Have a crack at Jack Attack

Think lawn bowls is for more mature members of society? That you need to have hours on end spare to play a game? Think again. Jack Attack is the latest craze to take over The RUC. With a frenetic energy and a lower average age to traditional bowls, Jack Attack has been sweeping across Australian bowls clubs, and now it’s here in Turner!

So what exactly is Jack Attack? You could think of it as T20 of lawn bowls.

Teams consist of up to six players, and while only three players will compete, substitutions are allowed so everyone can have a burl and enjoy the game. Teams play two sets of five and with games lasting a little over an hour, this is the game for those who are time poor or have a cheeky competitive side (or those who maybe would rather spend a little more time at the bar?)!

The season lasts six to eight weeks and are played on Wednesday nights during Twilight Bowls at The RUC. With rules like “Music to be played over the greens whilst play is taking place”, “wear what you want” and “players can participate in consecutive order or bowl out of turn” – you know that this is game that exudes a relaxed social atmosphere.

Completely new to bowls? The best news is you can place the jack wherever you want, meaning no anxiety about having to get the bowl all the way to the other end of the green. Then it’s up to you and your team to attack that jack!

So no matter if you’re new to bowls, or looking for a low time-commitment excuse to catch up with friends, Jack Attack is your answer. Get your uni friends, work colleagues and neighbours together – and set your competitive streak free.

See you on Wednesdays 6pm – 7pm! Week one will begin at 5:30pm to give you the run-down of the basics so call Facebook or email us to book in.

Published November 10, 2015 | Pricing and availability subject to change

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