Start RUCing up the Rewards

RUC Rewards – it’s not the Frequent Flyer program nor Flybuys – you don’t have to spend half of your annual income with one carrier to get a free coffee.

As a local community club we want to look after our members and reward those that adopt the RUC as their club. How can we do that? Well, we contemplated offering complementary powerful owl viewings from our carpark, but we realise most folks do that already. Instead, we went with the RUC Rewards program – much more enjoyable for most.

While the program’s still growing, we’re making big steps to make sure you’re appropriately rewarded – we’ve adopted new technologies and will be rolling out more sophisticated memberships and Point-of-sale systems over the coming months.

Racking up the points is easy. By having events, parties, family dinners, casual after work drinks or a game of bowls with your mates you’ll be able to accrue RUC Rewards points that are redeemable for RUC Bucks and/or cash. Here’s some other ways you get points:

  • Every time you enter the club you can accrue points.
  • Every time you host a function you can accrue points
  • Every time you play the gaming machines you can accrue points
  • Soon, every time you buy a drink, a meal or snack, play barefoot bowls – you can accrue points.

And redeeming your points couldn’t be easier:

  • Claim your RUC Rewards bonus points from the Entrance Kiosk
  • Present these points to the cashier in the gaming room
  • The cashier will offer you Cash or double the value in RUC Bucks
    • Eg 1,000 points = $10 Cash or $20 RUC Bucks
  • On Wednesday evenings from 5pm all points are doubled in value
    • Eg 1,000 points = $20 Cash or $40 RUC Bucks

Just remember to keep your membership card on you so that you can swipe your card at the Kiosk – around your neck, front of your wallet, stapled to your shirt – whatever will make it easiest to redeem those sweet members’ benefits.

So go on, start racking up those rewards!

Published January 12, 2016 | Pricing and availability subject to change

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