Members, brace yourselves. It’s time to be seriously rewarded

Our RUC Rewards Loyalty Program is finally universal! What does that mean?

  • For every dollar you spend at the club, you will receive RUC Rewards points. Whether it be on food or drinks, a social party, work function or on gaming, rewards points will be added to your points pool. Your points are linked to your membership card number.
  • Your points can be redeemed for cash or for RUC products which include food and beverage, functions and barefoot bowls. To give you a guide, 1000 points equals $10 cash or $20 worth of RUC products.
  • Wednesdays is ‘Double Your Bucks’ day. From 5pm, redeem your points for double their value when using points to purchase RUC products. E.g. 1000 points = $20 worth of RUC products = $40 value. We say Happy Hump Day!

What’s the catch?

All you need to do is produce your RUC membership card when you are at the club.

  • Swipe you card on entry to the club to gain points.
  • When paying for food and drinks over the bar, you must swipe your card to enjoy members prices or pay with points. If not, you’ll have to pay full non-members prices.
  • Preload your card with credit for cashless clubbing or use our ATMs to withdraw cash to avoid surcharges on EFT and credit card transactions.

We want to make the transition to our extended rewards program as easy as possible for our members. During June our staff will be on hand to help you understand the new program and remind you to have your card available for over the bar purchases.

If your card has expired or you are a new member it’s simple to join and only $5 for one year and $10 for three years.  Let us know if you have lost your card and we can reprint one for a small fee.  You may have joined previously but not collected your card yet so chances are it is ready and waiting for you at our reception desk.

The RUC team are excited that the time has finally come to fully reward all of our loyal members. We imagine there will be a few bugs to iron out in the coming weeks but please be patient as we all get used to the new system. For complete details, check out our RUC Rewards Loyalty Program.


Published June 3, 2016 | Pricing and availability subject to change

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