Get your tips ready for the new Sportspick RUC NRL tipping comp

It’s hard to believe it, but we are just over a month away from the start of the 2019 NRL season – it’s footy time!

We’re proud to announce this year’s new Sports Pick RUC NRL tipping comp which kicks off in NRL Round 1, Thursday 14th March, and runs right through until Round 25 on Sunday 8th September.

The bonus? You can win big this season! For your entry fee of $50 per person, you can win the NRL RUC local prize pool minimum of $1200 for first place.  Not to mention the National prize pool of over $35,000.

Once you are registered, you will receive your own Sports Pick card. Then all you need to do is tip one team to win for each match in an NRL Home and Away round including one margin tip on a designated match, plus one knockout tip.

All tips need to be made at the club with the exception of three online tips per year.

The competition is open to all members of the RUC, with a maximum of one entry permitted for each registered participant.

If you register you’ll also receive some pretty cool NRL prizes including:

  • A complimentary food and beverage package for Stage of Origin II and a presentation night.
  • Weekly prizes.
  • Beat the Boss.
  • Happy Hours for tipping windows,
  • Cash prizes to top place getters.

Full terms and conditions are subject to NRL Supertipper 2019 Competition rules

Published February 7, 2019 | Pricing and availability subject to change

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