CNBC ACT Bowls Rookie Champion

Last week’s ACT Rookie women’s event was won by one of our well-known bowlers and “leading lawndies”, Gina Dowley… and what an absolute talent she is. Our Secretary Manager Jeremy mentioned that he saw some of her bowling and “was glad that [he] didn’t play against her!” We’ve also been told by several sources that after he left, her bowling got even better.


Well done Gina! We’re sure all the Canberra North members join us in singing your praises when it comes to not only being a star “Rookie”, but for also being a true “high-bowler” and shining member of the women’s division.


A big shout out to all our members who gave up time to assist with the running of the Rookie Singles. Kate Schipp and our umpires certainly put in a big weekend, and Terry and Joseph Doyle did a great job of having the two greens prepared and running well for the start of each day.


The day simply wouldn’t have rolled as smoothly as it did, without all the dedicated people who volunteered to mark the day. We’re a lucky club to have members who constantly put up their hands to assist whenever they can.


To find out more about ACT Bowls, head to

Published June 13, 2019 | Pricing and availability subject to change

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