In The Community
Support for Local Sport
The RUC provides financial and in-kind support for sports in the Inner North of Canberra. We are big believers in the benefits of sporting participation and our aim is to make the Club a local hub for sportspeople of all persuasions to meet, socialise and get fit. We are very proud to support Lawn Bowling, Rugby Union, Cricket, Hockey, Soccer, Touch Football, Tennis, Water Polo, and many other sporting teams.
The aim of the Canberra North Bowling & ACT Rugby Union Club (the Club) Community Contributions Program (the Program) is to provide financial and in-kind assistance (community contributions) to sports affiliated with the Club and to other local community-based organisations that make a valuable contribution to the Inner North Canberra community. Applications for assistance are a matter for the Board to decide and/or ratify and the application form is available here.
Community Contributions Report
The RUC is committed to contributing to our community persuant to section 166 of the Gaming Machine Act 2004.
Our Community Contributions Information Financial Report can be viewed below.
The RUC is an environmentally friendly venue.
All our light fittings use energy-saving light bulbs, significantly reducing the environmental impact due to the sheer number of light bulbs in the venue.
The RUC is an accredited waste management and recycling business. The program inputs the best practice of waste management through a ten-step program reducing environmental impact.
Actsmart Business Recycling Accreditation
As part of our accreditation to the Actsmart Business Recycling Accreditation, the RUC now separates waste streams including paper and cardboard, glass, organic waste, and general waste. We have:- Appointed an implementation coordinator
- Conducted waste summaries
- Developed a waste management plan
- Educated our staff
- Continually monitor progress and report on results.

Straws Suck Campaign
We do not supply single-use plastic straws anymore but can provide paper straws on request. Helps the environment and stops our sink drains clogging up with plastic straws.
Landscaping Reuse
Our green waste from our bowing greens is added to compost, used by the ANU for their cricket pitches or used as mulch for our garden surrounds. Our home-grown composting station has been a great success. We made the compost station out of disused beer keg crates, food scraps from our kitchen and green waste from our bowling greens and gardens.
Business Energy and Water Program
The RUC has used the ACT Government’s Business and Energy and Water program to upgrade to more water efficient and energy-efficient technologies, including with lighting, appliances, heating and cooling, refrigeration, toilets and tapware. The Business Energy and Water Program helped the RUC lower operating costs by reducing water and energy. This, in turn, helps the ACT lower greenhouse gas emissions.