Barefoot Bowls

While barefoot bowls is perfect for a bit of fun, it does come with a few ground rules so that everyone stays happy.

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Barefoot Bowls Rules:

  • Eating and drinking on the greens is not permitted. Keen for a bite or a bevvy? Step off the greens for maximum enjoyment.
  • Driving of the bowls (bowling with force to knock the other bowls out of play) is a big no-no. You can damage the bowls, interfere with other people’s games, or even run over someone’s toes. Be nice, play fair and everyone will have a great time.
  • Bowl from both ends of the green. We want to ensure that our greens are kept in tip-top shape, and bowling from both ends means that the grass stays even.
  • Bowl from as low to the ground as possible. Lobbing or chucking the bowl is not only bad for the greens, but it also won’t get too far!
  • Sitting on the edge of the greens is not allowed. There are heaps of chairs and benches surrounding the greens for punters to sit back and relax on.
  • Smoking on the premises is not allowed.

The greens are in operation every day except for Monday which is green preparation and maintenance day. Barefoot bowls cost is $20 per person.

If you’d like to bowl at the RUC, be sure to contact our Bookings Manager on or call 02 6247 7838.