
It’s baaaccccckkkkkk! Barefoot Bowls are go!

It’s baaaccccckkkkkk! Barefoot Bowls are go!

Spring. Time to shake off the winter blues, fill up your calendar with social events and above all, get out and enjoy the sunshine of our clear Canberra days. Spring is also the time we bring back one of the RUC’s much-loved offerings, barefoot bowls.

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A letter to members on The RUC’s community contributions

A letter to members on The RUC’s community contributions

Across the first half of 2017 there has been a lot of commentary about clubs and their community contribution requirements. In the last week this commentary has accelerated and was further fuelled by a press release from Anglicare claiming that: “…nearly 3 in 4...

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It IS Easy Being Green

It IS Easy Being Green

Our annual greens report has come through, and The RUC has scored perfect results on two of our greens (and near perfect on the third). Such great results mean that we’re happy to say we have some of the best greens in the ACT. So, what do perfect greens mean for our...

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We’re all brand NEW

We’re all brand NEW

We’ve totally done it. The new RUC is now rockin and rollin for your enjoyment. So, what’s in it for you? Plenty it turns out – new RUC, new chef, new menu. New RUC? Yep, well a big part of it is new. You know how we’ve been doing those renos over the last few months…...

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Tradies, we love you!

Tradies, we love you!

Tradies. The hardworking tradesmen and tradeswomen who spend their days slogging it out hard for the development of Canberra. And after a long day at work, the RUC is a great place for all tradies to kick back after a long day on the tools. Why? Simple really... When...

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Cracking new weekly events at The RUC

Cracking new weekly events at The RUC

They say a change is as good as a holiday. So we’re going with that. As of this month we’re mixing it up at The RUC with some cracking new weekly events, and some great changes to some old favourites too. So, what’s the deal? Beat those Monday blues with RUC Roast...

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The RUC  – good for what ales you

The RUC – good for what ales you

Well this is going to come as a shock to most of you, but… Did you know that going to the club is actually GOOD for you? True. The research even says so. New research from Oxford University in the UK, and published in an article by The Shout, suggests that visits to a...

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Ring in the New Year at the RUC

Ring in the New Year at the RUC

  2017 is almost upon us. It seems a little shocking but true. No turning back the clock here, the new year is fast approaching. So, what are you going to do for it? Just for a bit of fun, we thought we’d share with you some of the strangest new year’s traditions...

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